Find TIME in your schedule for 6-10 hours
- Initial appointment with practitioner (1-3 hours)
- Two or three testing sessions (5-8 hours)
- Feedback session (1/2 -1 hour)
ACCEPT offered appointments
- NOARC is located at Cambrian College – watch for this on your caller ID and in your junk email folder!
- NOARC will do their best to accommodate your schedule (if provided); however, you may need to miss class time to meet with these professionals
- NOARC will try to contact you twice; if you do not reply your file will be placed on hold. You can re-activate your file by contacting your disability services advisor.
PREPARE for your appointment
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Take any medications you would normally take
- Bring your glasses and/or hearing aids to the appointments
- Eat before attending your appointment, and/or bring a snack