NOARC/CÉRNO fosters opportunities for Students, Psychological Practitioners and Researchers

Graduate Students
- We welcome Northern Ontario graduate students seeking opportunities for internships or multi-disciplinary research in the field of learning disabilities. Priority is given to research proposals that benefit northern communities and that foster professional practice in the assessment and support of adult learners with LD or ADHD. Please take a look at our Research pages to see the types of projects we are working on and have been involved with in the past.
For further information on research and internship opportunities, please contact Dr. Alana Holmes.

Clinical and Research Placements for Students
What time of year are placements available for students?
- The best time of year to participate in a placement depends on whether you are interested in a clinical or research placement. Research placements can occur anytime throughout the year while clinical placements are most likely to be available in the spring and summer months.
How long do internships and placements run?
- The duration of internships and placements is negotiable.
What qualifications are needed to participate in a research or clinical placement?
- Those seeking placement experiences should be enrolled in graduate studies at a recognized postsecondary institution.
- Students interested in research are encouraged to join one of our in progress projects or to conduct archival research using our database.
- Students seeking a clinical placement must already have training and exposure to basic assessment methods
What sort of projects are underway?
- Please see our Current Projects
Research Partners
- We have and continue to collaborate with a variety of research partners, including school boards, post-secondary institutions and community agencies, to fulfill our research mandate. Please take a look at our Research pages to see the types of projects we are working on and have been involved with in the past.
If you are interested in proposing or exploring a research partnership with us, please contact Dr. Alana Holmes.
Research Participants
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Are there projects that I can participate in from a distance?
- NOARC at times runs survey based projects which allow people to participate through on-line survey or phone calls and never requires them to travel to NOARC. Please see our Current Projects.
Do you pay people to participate in research?
- The short answer is no. However, token remuneration such as coffee cards or entry into a draw to win a larger reward often occurs.
If I participate in a research project, who knows and what happens to the information I provide?
- Researchers are bound to protect the confidentiality of participants and their data. Any exceptions to this are explained in a letter of information that accompanies each research study.

- Employment opportunities, when available, are posted on the Cambrian College Careers page (
Anyone interested in a career with the Northern Ontario Assessment and Resource Centre, may also contact Dr. Alana Holmes.

I am registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario and am interested in conducting just a few assessments per year, is this possible with NOARC?
- Yes. NOARC offers contracts to practitioners which allows them to accept or decline assessments as their time permits.
I am a registered practitioner and have done work with children, is there an opportunity for me to complete assessment work through NOARC?
- Possibly, depending on past training and ultimate goals. Please contact Dr. Alana Holmes to discuss.
Do you keep resumes on file if they are submitted when no current postings exist?
- If you would like to submit a resume even though there are no active openings, and wish us to retain your resume for a given period of time we would be happy to do so.