- Learning Disability Association of Canada
- Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario
- Advocacy and resources for people with learning disabilities and their families. Local chapters can be found across Ontario.
- http://www.ldao.ca/
- Learning Disability Association of Sudbury website
- More Feet on the Ground
- Mental health resources for Northern Ontario colleges.
- https://morefeetontheground.ca/
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Provides services and advocacy for Canadian experiencing mental illness and their families. Local chapters can be found across Ontario.
- https://cmha.ca/
- Bell Let’s Talk
- Information and resources on eliminating the stigma of mental illness.
- https://letstalk.bell.ca/en/
- Good2Talk
- A confidential helpline for Ontario college and university students available 24/7, 365 days a year for free.
- #: 1-866-925-5454
- https://good2talk.ca/
- Mind Shift
- A Smartphone/tablet app to help manage anxiety created by the Anxiety Canada
- https://www.anxietycanada.com/resources/mindshift-cbt/
- Together All
- An online and anonymous peer support community sponsored by the Ontario Telehealth Network and Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. Free to access and use for Ontario residents.
- https://togetherall.com/en-ca/
- Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities
- Provides up to date information about requirements, services and contacts for students with disabilities at Ontario’s colleges and universities. It also includes helpful information for students as they begin to plan for their transition from high school to college or university.
- The Guide has a Frequently Asked Question section, where you can quickly search for answers the questions you have about post-secondary and disability
- http://www.transitionresourceguide.ca/
- CADDAC website – Centre for ADHD Awareness
- CADDAC is a national, not-for-profit, organization providing leadership and support in awareness, education and advocacy for ADHD organizations and individuals across Canada.
- http://caddac.ca/adhd/
- Ministry of Labour Links – “Your Rights at Work”
- This site provides information on being treated fairly on the job site and your rights to a safe and health workplace.
- https://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/atwork/workplacerights_fs.php
- Ministry of Labour – Disability – Workplace Roles and Responsibilities
- This site provides information on the employer and employee roles in setting up workplace accommodations to compensate for disability challenges.
- http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/disability-workplace-roles-and-responsibilities-fact-sheet
Other Supports